Weekly Update in HURFOM targetted Areas (February 22 – 28 March 2021)

March 29, 2021

Weekly Update from HURFOM on the situation in #Karen, #Mon & #Dawei where HRVs remain rampant⚠️
👉 56+ arrested
👉 27+ detained
👉31+ injured
👉 12 killed
Motos & property, including 50 million MMK were confiscated by SAC #junta forces. #JusticeForMyanmar

Political turmoil from coup impacts donation activities for water in hot summer months

March 29, 2021

HURFOM: The political situation of Burma continues to  worsen every day since the  February 1st coup.  Armed forces have been brutally cracking down and killing  peaceful protestors. There have been heavy casualties everyday as the armed forces use live ammunition.

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SAC Member, Dr Banyar Aung Moe, says his goal is multi-ethnic cooperative governance

March 23, 2021

HURFOM: Dr Banyar Aung Moe, a Central Executive Committee  member of the Mon Unity Party (MUP) was appointed to serve as a member of the State Administrative Council (SAC) on March 17, 2021.

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Weekly Update in HURFOM targetted Areas (February 15 – 21 March 2021)

March 22, 2021

Weekly Update from HURFOM on the situation in Karen, Mon & #Dawei:

👉 35+ arrested
👉 30+ detained
👉 12+ injured
👉 3 killed.

Motos, mobile phones and money are regularly being confiscated. HURFOM calls for the release of those detained & justice for victims.

MUP EC affirms decision of CEC to join the military council

March 17, 2021

HURFOM: On March 15, 2021, the emergency meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Mon Unity Party (MUP) affirmed the February-6 decision of the Central Executive Committee (EC) to join the military council.  The meeting took place in Thanbyuzayat, Mon State.

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Rumors of military extortion frighten night workers

March 17, 2021

HURFOM: The military junta has banned traveling at night from 8 pm to 4 am in Mawlamyine, Kyaik Hto, Paung, Chaung Zone, Thanbyuzayat and Ye Townships of Mon State.

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Weekly update in HURFOM targeted areas (February 7 – 14 March 2021)

March 15, 2021

Mawlamyine, HURFOM: The Human Rights Foundation of Monland will be sharing a weekly update on the situation in our targeted areas in Mon and Karen States & Dawei, Tenasserim Region. Our documentation is based on reporting from the ground, though numbers may vary. HURFOM reinforces our calls for an end to the violence against protesters and for those arbitrarily arrested and detained to be immediately released.

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Military junta breaches NCA

March 15, 2021

HURFOM: General Yawd Ser, Acting Leader of the National Ceasefire Agreement signed by Ethnic Armed Organizations (NCA-S EAO), says the military council created after the February 1 coup, has breached the NCA.

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Rumours of military once again using forced labor, frightens villagers

March 12, 2021

HURFOM: The military junta is increasing their monitoring and intimidation of citizens.

Armed forces personnel are stopping passengers and checking their private information at gates to cities.

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Villagers reject military council administrators

March 8, 2021

HURFOM: On February 11, 2021, the military council announced that ward/village administrators elected by the people during the NLD government, were being dismissed as of February 10, 2021.

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