First assault and robbery in Arutaung village leaves woman hospitalized

June 15, 2009

WCRP: Mi Kyi Kyi’s (name changed for security purposes) gold was stolen and she was stabbed in the head by two men in Arutaung village, Ye Township, according to villagers from Arutaung village. Read more

New Mon insurgent group—Rahmonnya—threatens Brigade No. 3 village near Three Pagodas Town

June 11, 2009

HURFOM: On June 3rd, two elderly headmen from Brigade No.3 village were kidnapped.  The new Mon insurgent group Rahmonnya claimed responsibility for the act.

Rahmonnya asked for 100,000 baht before releasing the headmen, villagers reported.  Read more

Over 2,981 Karen flee during the SPDC/DKBA and KNLA clashes

June 10, 2009

HURFOM: Fighting in Karen areas have forced over 2,981 villagers to flee to the Thai – Burma border.

HURFOM field reporters documented the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) and Burmese Army battalions clashing with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).  Read more

Burmese Army prevents farmers from going to their farms, then steals from them

June 5, 2009

HURFOM: The Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 282 commander Nyi Nyi Soe warned villagers of insurgent group activity and wouldn’t allow farmers to return to their land.

Meanwhile, the troops reportedly stole food and cooking gear from the farms in Kaleinaung Sub – Township, Yebyu Township.  Having also slaughtered some of the animals, they then tried selling their seized goods in the market. Read more

Soldiers steal from Ye Town plantations

June 4, 2009

HURFOM: Soldiers and their families have reportedly stolen a variety of products for their own household usage and to sell in the markets.  Plantation owners complained to the high ranking officers in the nearby army camp, but saw no reimbursement or apology. Read more

Fines and torture for medical workers after they treated insurgents

June 3, 2009

HURFOM: After treating insurgents, a village medical field worker and his two assistants, from Yebyu township, were forced to pay a fee of 900,000 Kyat to the local battalion commander.  But because of corruption, the two assistants were tortured and beaten anyway. Read more

An eight-month-old infant taken from his mother

June 3, 2009

WCRP: An eight-month-old Burmese baby was kidnapped by a Thai couple in Mahachai, Samut Sakhon Province, said a Woman and Child Rights field report.

On 16 April 2009 at about 7 a.m., the Thai couple came to see the mother, Ma Phyu, 23, a Burmese migrant worker. They told her that they had no children and could take care of the child during the daytime. “They told me not to worry about the child and they promised to bring back my baby at 7 in the evening,” said Ma Phyu. Read more

Wearing Mon dress, three Mon children are arrested for swearing

June 1, 2009

HURFOM: 3 children were arrested for using fowl language, though sources dispute this account saying family claims the arrest was over the children’s wearing of Mon dress. Read more

Burmese army training police and civilians in crowd suppression for 2010 election

May 29, 2009

HURFOM: The Burmese army continues training police and civilian groups in crowd control and combat tactics in Ye Township, Mon State.  HURFOM sources suspect training is in preparation for political suppression in the coming 2010 election. Read more

Outraged but not surprised

May 28, 2009

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is on trial. The circumstances are unexpected — even ridiculous — but the trial should not be surprising. The Lady’s house arrest, which had already been extended once — illegally, was set to end with the month of May. Read more

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