Mon Woman Raped by Mon Migrant Worker

January 15, 2009

WCRP:In November 2008, Mi Kyi Kyi (not real name), a 16 year-old Mon women, was raped by a Mon migrant worker.

Mi Kyi Kyi was sharing a room temporarily with a friend in the house of 18 year-old Nai Chan, when he found her alone in her room and raped her. Read more

Mon woman gang raped by a group of Burmese Army Soldiers

January 15, 2009

WCRP: On August 13th 2008, A group of 25 Burmese soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 282 raped a 50 year old woman in Yebyu Township. An anonymous migrant worker in Yebyu Township confirmed that “Mi Jay Son [name changed for the source’s protection] was arrested for being affiliated with a rebel army group.” Read more

Mon woman lured to Malaysia, raped

January 15, 2009

WCRP: A woman from Mon State was repeatedly raped by a Burman man who had promised her a job at his guesthouse and clothes store on Penan island, Malaysia. The woman became pregnant to the man, and was then forced to abort the child.

In May 2008, the Burman man persuaded  a 24 year-old single woman from Thanbyuzayat Township, to migrate to Malaysia to work in his store. Upon arrival in Malaysia, she was told that he could no longer afford to employ her. She was instead, everyday, held down with robes and raped by the man. “After three months of this horrendous abuse, she became pregnant to her perpetrator,” said her uncle. The man then forced her to abort her pregnancy using a medical treatment that caused her much physical pain.

The persecutor, a 46 year-old man, is married to the victim’s cousin. The man is from Rangoon and has two children. “He both rents out rooms and sells clothes on Penan Island,” said the victim’s uncle.

Faced with this ongoing abuse, the victim made repeated attempts to contact her family in Mon State. She eventually made contact with them. When her family learnt the totality of her abusive situation, they approached the wife of the persecutor, ordering her to release their daughter and threatening to “take the case to the New Mon State Party Township authority if she was not released.”

Only after extensive pressure from the victim’s family did the persecutor and his wife release the victim and send her to join relatives living in Mahachai, Samut Sakhorn Province, Thailand. When she arrived in Thailand her relatives found her to be both mentally and physically distraught. According to her uncle, “She received 20 days of medical treatment in the Mahachai hospital for injuries incurred through forced sexual intercourse, severe torture and a forced abortion.”

After receiving medical treatment, and gaining some strength, the victim was employed by a Shrimp Company in Mahachai, where she earned enough money to pay for her transportation to return home to Mon State.

In December 2008, her uncle confirmed that his niece had arrived home safely and that her family is contemplating legal prosecution of the Burman man.

Immigration raid frees eight human trafficking victims near Bangkok

January 13, 2009

Women and Child Rights Project:

Eight Burmese human trafficking victims were freed during a raid by Thai immigration authorities in Mahachai, Thailand, yesterday. The victims include 2 women and 6 children, ages 15 to 17.

The eight victims had been forced to work 7-day workweeks of 19-hours per day, for the last 3 months. Though they had agreed to work off a 25,000 baht debt to the trafficker who transported them to Thailand, they were only being given a fraction of a legal or fair working wage. Read more

Corrupt taxation enriching government appointed headman in Mudon Township

January 13, 2009

HURFOM: A government-appointed headman in Nang Hlone village, Mudon Township, is enriching himself by collecting higher taxes than his counterparts in neighboring villages, say local sources.

Last week, the headman, Nai Win Shinn, began collecting a 4,000 kyat tax from rubber plantation owners, per 400 trees. The tax came at the behest of the Forestry Department. According to a source in the Naung Hlone Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC), the order was only for 200 kyat to be collected per 400 trees. Read more

Eight village tracts forced to provide unpaid, 24-hour road sentries

January 11, 2009

HURFOM: Inhabitants of eight village tracts are being required to work as unpaid security guards along the Thanbyuzayat to Ye motor road. Headmen in the area are also being threatened with 2 to 7 year prison sentences if rebels make any attacks.

The threat was issued to headman on December 11th, in a meeting convened by Colonel Khin Maung Cho, 1st Commander of Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 106. The meeting was attended by headmen from Wae-Kha-Mi, Bay-Lamine Ka-Nin-Ka-Moh village tracts in Thanbyuzayat Township and Bae-La-Mu, Don-Phee, Hnin-Sone, Ayu-Taung and Kyaung-Ywa village tracts in Ye Township. Each village tract is home to 2 to 3 villages. Read more

Authorities ignoring rape and murder of 7-year-old girl in Pegu Division

January 8, 2009

HURFOM: A seven-year-old girl was raped and murdered in Ma U Pin village, Pegu Division last week. Local military authorities are refusing to take any action, though area residents and the Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) contend that the perpetrator is a soldier. Read more

Army forcibly relocates village in Tennasserim Division; boy beaten, girl raped

January 6, 2009

HURFOM: Burmese Army troops in northern Tenesserim Division forced all residents of Amae village to abandon their homes and plantations in November. On the same day, the troops also raped a seventeen-year-old girl and severely beat a young boy. Read more

Forced sentry duty, travel restrictions in Ye Township

January 5, 2009

HURFOM: Residents of A Pyaing village, Ye Township, are being required to stand sentry and walk security patrols, say local sources. Villagers are also prohibited from leaving the village after 6 pm.

The travel restriction and mandatory security duty began on December 8th, at the behest of Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 343. Each night 40 people are required to stand sentry or make security patrols on a rotation organized by the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC). Read more

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