Landmine victim dies at hospital in Thanbyuzayat

February 15, 2024

HURFOM: On February 7th, 2024, a woman from Ka Rope Pi village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State was injured by a landmine explosion and sent to the local hospital, but died her injuries were fatal.

52-year-old Daw Ma Lay went to a nearby rubber plantation to collect firewood at about 3 pm. She stepped on a landmine and sustained serious injuries to both legs. She was sent to the Thanbyuzayat Township General Hospital.

She died on the evening of February 7th, the same day when she was sent to the hospital. Both of her legs were totally cut off. Her injuries were serious,” said a local source.

The landmine explosion was near the police station in Htaung Kay Part, Ka Rope Pi village. The Karen National Liberation Army and the joint forces have been active in the area. Local residents believe that the military junta planted landmines in the area.

This is the first time that a villager was killed by a landmine in Ka Rope Pi. The villagers are frightened to go to their plantation. But they have to go or they will have livelihood problems,” said a Ka Rope Pi resident.

The junta’s battalions alongside Thanbyuzayat – Ye Highway Road have lost control of the area and planted landmines to protect their bases, villagers told HURFOM.


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