Junta arrests, beats and torture young man in Mawlamyine

February 9, 2024

HRUFOM: On February 4rth, 2024, the military junta arrested a young man from Taung Wine Ward, Mawlamyine, Mon State and severely beat and tortured him to the point where had to be admitted to the Mawlamyine General Hospital for emergency treatment.

Maung Aung Ko Ko, aka Ah Bot Lay, a 22-year-old tattoo artist, was accused of training for the People’s Defense Force by military lobbyists.  The military junta and the “Pyu Saw Htee”, a military support group, arrested him at his house.

He was brought to the Mawlamyine military interrogation camp where he was severely beaten and tortured. He did not arrive at the Mawlamyine General Hospital until the next day, February 5th.

He operated a tattoo shop. The son or nephew of the “Mawlamyine Region Military Commander” inked a tattoo at his shop but refused to pay money. Then, they had an argument and the Commander’s son or nephew accused him of being a PDF member and urged the “Pyu” to arrest him. He was beaten and his injury is severe,” said a source close to his family member.

Despite bruises on his head, face and whole body, the Mu Pon Region Police Station charged Maung Aung Ko Ko under the Burmese Criminal Act Section 505(A).


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