July 2021 Situation Overview: Monthly Overview of Violations in Target Areas
August 3, 2021
HURFOM, Mawlamyine: Flooding, COVID-19 and widespread arrests threaten civilian safety in Mon State, Karen State, and Dawei. The junta’s lawlessness and failure to protect the people has worsened the situation for the most vulnerable. Our monthly July breakdown spotlights these injustices, which are ongoing. Download here:

In July, civilians in HURFOM target areas were forced to face many more crises unfolding without any types of adequate response from the junta. Human lives are paying the toll for the military’s growing negligence. Community-based relief groups in HURFOM areas worked rigorously to ensure the needs of civilians could be met, to the best of their ability.
The COVID-19 pandemic and internal conflict has not stopped the junta from committing grave human rights abuses. The dictators see no problem with using their rule to terrorize the people into submission. HURFOM recorded youth has young as 18 years old being taken into military custody on baseless allegations. Fundamental freedoms are being denied as Burma’s prisons become breeding grounds for the COVID-19 virus.
Flooding is yet another challenge in our areas which requires immediate attention. The rising water levels have made it difficult to secure the delivery of aid including water, medicine and food. Human rights defenders, and young people are still being targeted by the illegal regime and families are forced to contend with uncertainty.
While turmoil completely overwhelms Burma’s infrastructure, the junta is in denial. State-media is regarding the military as heroes and trying to insist that it is business as usual in the country. In realit, peace is not within reach. However, our people remain committed to the revolution and doing whatever means necessary to ensure the safety and security of those on the ground.
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