HURFOM Welcomes the UN Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes in Burma

February 10, 2011

In the past, over 10 years ago, when the International Labor Organization (ILO) set up a ‘Commission of Inquiry’ to investigate the use of slave labor and forced labor, HURFOM was newly formed. HURFOM offered a lot of support by bringing the victims to the ILO Commission of Inquiry to provide facts and testimony during the investigation. The ILO got many detailed accounts, information, and strong evidence on the use of forced labor during the construction of the Ye to Tavoy railway and road, and later on the ILO was able to intervene to stop the use of forced labor in Burma.

While the whole world is respecting human rights and promoting human rights, the people of Burma have greatly suffered from human rights violations. In the civil war in eastern Burma, the Burmese Army and some ethnic armies still commit human rights violations against ethnic civilians, such as killing, torture, sexual violence, land confiscation, forced relocation, destruction of civilians’ property, recruitment of child soldiers, and still, forced labor.

HURFOM, again, welcomes the newly formed ‘UN Commission on Inquiry’ to investigate war crimes in Burma, and especially the effort to take actions against those who have committed decades of human rights violations, whether they are members of the government, the Burmese Army or ethnic armies.

These human rights violations fall within the category of crimes against humanity. Many human rights organizations on the border, with their human rights teams, have documented many cases. Many human rights victims are now staying in the refugee camps and in migrant communities. Human rights groups, relief groups, womens’ groups, and media groups in the border area, have long known where these victims are. With this knowledge, these groups are ready to help the UN Commission of Inquiry if needed.

HURFOM, as a member organization of the ND-Burma (Network for Documentation –Burma) network, will actively participate if the UN Commission of Inquiry requires assistance from these local groups.

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Editor, The Mon Forum

Human Rights Documentation and Dissemination Project


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