20 villagers forced to porter goods for army in Kyaninnseikyi Township

March 10, 2010

HURFOM, Kyainnseikyi: Around 20 people from Thaung Waing village were tortured and arrested for land mine clearing and portering by Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) No. 404 and 406 under controls of the Military Operation Management Command No. 8 based in Kyainnseikyi Township, Karen State, Burma.

According to a resident from Thaung Waing village, on February 3rd, LIBs No. 404 and No. 406 led by Tactical Commander No. 1 Major Soe Thet was ambushed by soldiers from the Karen National Liberation Army brigade No. 6 led by Sergeant Zaw Thin Tun, and two Burmese soldiers were killed.

LIBs No. 404 and 406 are reported to have been in the area conducting reconnaissance patrols when the ambush occurred.

The two Burmese battalions then entered Thaung Vaing village, six miles from ambushed site, and arrested 7 male villagers whom they accused of working as KNLA soldiers. After they arresting the 7 villagers they tied their arms behind their backs and started beating them on their heads with the stocks of their rifles, kicking them, and punching them in their faces.

After the beatings, as the Burmese soldiers left the village, a source reported that they took an additional 13 male villagers to use as porters, human shields, and to clear landmines.

A HURFOM field reporter had the opportunity to interview one of the 7 victims of the beating, who has already returned home from portering. According to the victim, after they left the village they were forced to carry the soldiers supplies such as rice, cooking materials and ammunition.

Despite the burden of portering soldiers supplies, the porters could not get enough food, water or medicine for treating injuries which were sustained though torture by the soldiers. Porters were also kept from taking breaks or resting while carrying the supplies.

After 4 days of portering, on March 7th, the soldiers they let the 20 villagers go free, according a victim.

“I was very tired and thirsty and had pain in my back because I was kicked [there], “explained another victim who asked HURFOM to withhold his name for security purposes. “When I walked slowly and wanted to take a rest the soldiers would kick me again. I did not have enough food. I only have one meal a day. I accompanied with them for 4 days and they released me because I got a fever and could not walk.”

In the past Karen villagers from Thaung Waing have faced similar abuses, so that villagers have reported having to flee their homes 1 to 3 times a year since 1998 or 1999 and live for a short time in the forest. However the village population has deceased in this period, as some families do not dare to return home out of fear for their security.


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