Junta shoots and injures two men riding motorbike in Kan Bauk

October 25, 2024

HURFOM: On October 20th, 2024, troops from the Mawrawaddy Navy Command shot and injured two villagers from Thel Chaung village, Kan Bauk area, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division for riding a motorbike.

28-year-old Ko Thet Pine Soe and Ko Ling Aung were riding a motorbike to their rubber plantation in Ohm Pin Kwin village at 7 am when they were shot and injured by the troops on patrol.

As his plantation isn’t too far, he went there by bike. The soldiers shot them even though they saw them from far away. They also slapped the one who sat on the rear part saying “Why don’t you know we ban riding motorbikes? Do you oppose us?” reported a local source.

Ko Thet Pine Soe sustained a serious injury to his leg and has been receiving treatment at the Kan Bauk Hospital. Despite the treatment, his leg will be amputated.

I didn’t know what happened at first. As he injured his leg, later I realized he was shot at,” said Ko Lin Aung.

The military junta banned “riding motorbike” in the Kan Bauk area from January 25th, 2023. Villagers have had to use tricycles or motorcars for travel and transportation.


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