Junta shoots and kills two young men after accusing them of being PDF members

October 1, 2024

HURFOM: On September 24th, 2024, two 25-year-old men were shot and killed by the troops of the 317th artillery regiment based in Maw Ka Nin.  The young men were walking alongside the Ye-Thanbyuzayat Highway Road near Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, Mon State.

Both aren’t native to this area. We have lots of migrant workers here, they might be two of them. They weren’t with the PDF,” said a local source.

The pro-military Telegram Channel claimed the two men were PDF members, and refused to be stopped and checked. The troops shot and arrested them as they ran away. The troops also claimed they found explosive materials and Karen traditional clothing.

Also on September 20th, 2024, a 20-year-old local man who was riding a motorbike from Hnit Ka Yin to Maw Ka Nin village was shot and killed by the 317th regiment.

The young man is partially deaf. He didn’t hear the soldiers and didn’t stop his motorbike. He was shot three times and killed on the spot. The soldiers didn’t allow anyone to pick up his body,” said a Maw Ka Nin villager.

There have been frequent battles between the military junta and the joint resistance forces alongside the Ye-Thanbyuzayat Highway Road since July, 2024.

Local regiments such as the 106th and the 588th light infantry battalions and the 317th artillery regiment have launched indiscriminate artillery attacks.  Local villagers have suffered casualties and plantation owners are too insecure to go to their workplaces.


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