Three villagers injured by artillery attack die due to belated medical treatment

September 18, 2024

HURFOM: In the morning of September 11th, 2024, an armed clash took place between the military junta and the local People’s Defense Force at Kywel Htain Kone village, Tenasserim Township, Tenasserim Division. The military regiment based at “Baw Di Karm” Bridge launched an artillery attack to support their troops.

The artillery explosion killed 40-year 0ld Daw San Thwel on the spot and injured 60-year-old Daw San Thi, 15-year-old Ma Phyu Zar Aye and 18-year-old Ko Nay Nine Thu aka Dee Toast.

Daw San Thwel was killed on the spot. Daw San Thi and Ma Phyu Zar Aye died at Nyaung Pin Kwin village on the way to hospital,” said a local woman from Kywel Htain Kone village.

The artillery debris penetrated the lower thigh of Ko Nay Nine Thu and broke his leg. He also died on the way to hospital.

It’s difficult to go to the “Myeik” Hospital due to the armed clash. All three of them died due to belated medical treatment,” said a local woman.

On September 4th, 2024, a junta’s regiment consisting of about 200 troops launched a military operation in the Tenasserim Division.   The local People’s Defense Force is reinforcing their troop presence in Kywel Htain Kone village at the moment. Tension between the parties has been escalating and the military junta has launched indiscriminate artillery attacks forcing entire villages to flee their communities.


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