Solar electricity company cuts off electricity without notice in Pauk Pin Kwin

May 18, 2023

HURFOM: In 2022, the Mandalay Yoma Solar Company and the Administrator of Pauk Pin Kwin village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division conducted a survey of villagers to gauge their interest to receive solar electricity.

Pauk Pin Kwin has about 400 houses and the villagers had agreed to buy solar electricity from the company. They agreed to pay from 300,000 to 700,000 Kyat for an “electric meter box” and to a fee rate of 450 Kyat per kWh.

On November 11, 2022, the company began the distribution of solar electricity. Initially the service was effective but by February service was limited to just three days a week.

According to a local woman who prefers to remain anonymous, in March, 2023, the company stopped distributing solar electricity without informing the villagers,

We spent a lot of money to get the “meter box”  believing we would get access to solar electricity. But the whole village is in trouble now. Those who have money bought their own solar electricity. We don’t have money so we have to stay with candle light. I sold my belongings to pay the company for the meter box. Now, I don’t have electricity, I have lost my money and I remain in darkness,” said the woman.

The company has not issued any statement for the denial of service.

I’ve relied on the electricity and didn’t collect firewood. Now, I’m having trouble with cooking. My children have to do their studies by candlelight. It isn’t okay. We even have to go to the monastery to charge our phones,” said a local villager.


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