KNU arrests two young men in Yebyu and extort money for their release

September 6, 2024

HURFOM: On September 1st, 2024, the Brigade #6 of the Karen National Liberation Army operated under the Karen National Union arrested 28-year-old Ko Soe Pine and 23-year-old Ko Myo Si Thu from Thar Yar Mon village, Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division.

They didn’t come back home from the plantation in the evening so we made an inquiry. But the KNU phoned us at about 9 pm. They said my sons abused drugs and they arrested them. If I wanted my sons alive, I had to visit them,” said the mother of the victims.

The Brigade #6 demanded three million MMK for each release, continued the mother.

We paid three million MMK and a pig in total and they were released on September 2nd,” said the mother.

The Brigade #4 and #6 of the KNU are active in Yebyu Township and they usually arrest young men from Yar Phu village after accusing them of abusing or trading drug. Then, they extort millions of MMK from them.

On July 18, 2024, the Brigade #6 arrested two men from 60-mile village and extorted 40 million MMK from them.


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