Theft on the rise in Ye: Authorities fail to respond

August 20, 2024

HURFOM: Since the third week of July, 2024, due to the shortage and high price of gasoline, the private companies that deliver electricity to Ye Township, Mon State have limited their distribution from 5 am to 10 pm. Locals report to HURFOM that with increasing darkness, incidents of theft from residential houses, monasteries and pagodas in Ye Town are on the rise.

Because electricity is limited, cases of theft have risen. Cable wire, electricity meter box and street light bulb are being stolen. Betel nuts are stolen. Even “things” from pagodas and religious buildings are stolen,” said a Ye resident.

While cases of theft have risen, there has been no arrest or actions being taken by the local authority of the junta.

The thieves are committing crimes in groups of around five people/group. Most of them are about 15 years old and they are drug abusers.

Most thieves are drug addicts. When they have no money to buy drugs, they steal everything which can make money. They scout empty homes and burglarize them at night,” said a Ye resident.

Junta’s security forces are patrolling every night but have not caught the thieves, and the number of thefts is rising day after day making the local people worry about their safety.

The military junta announced martial law in Ye Township on February 8th, 2023 and also imposed curfew in the Township banning people from going outside between 6 pm to 6 am.


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