Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

June 10, 2024

Attacks by the Junta Worsen in Southeast Burma as Civilians are Targeted

​​In the first week of June, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) reported that artillery and airstrikes by the military troops in Bilin and Thaton townships, Mon State, destroyed 12 houses, including a monastery. This information was reported by the Karen National Union (KNU) Central Committee on June 6. In addition, at least fifteen residents were arrested in Kyike Hto Township from May 31 to June 5, 2024.

More than five artillery shells were fired by the 310th Artillery Battalion, causing further damage. Although civilians had to flee their homes, no injuries were reported. On June 3, the 9th Light Infantry Battalion, based in Thaton, fired artillery shells into Yay Wai village, destroying two religious buildings within the village monastery.

Since June 2nd, the presence of troops near civilian villages has led to the displacement of approximately 300 households from Sein Bone, Ma Yan Chaung, Thayar Mon, and Kin Pone Chaung, according to those assisting the displaced and residents.

A resident from 60 Miles village said, “The junta troops raided Ma Yan Chaung, Thayar Mon, Yar Phu (New Village), Pyar Thone Su, Sein Bone, and Nat Gyi Sin villages. People had to prepare in advance and flee when the troops raided.”

With the onset of the rainy season, the displaced need additional shelter and medicines, according to a local man assisting them. He added, “They are not fleeing to established refugee camps; they are fleeing to avoid conflict.”

In Kanet Thiri and Kywel Min Kone villages of Tha Yet Chaung Township, Dawei, where recent clashes occurred, approximately 13 bodies were discovered, and several residents are reported missing. Additionally, over 50 houses were burned down.

Arbitrary arrests also remain on the rise. Five members of the Lamine Youth Charity Group (Ye Township, Mon State), including Charity’s Chairman U Win Aung, have been detained by the junta for eight days, causing significant difficulties for emergency patients. They are being interrogated in junta custody.

Surveillance is an ongoing issue for civilians travelling across the country. Based on reports from travellers and town residents, the Mawrawaddy Navy has increased security and tightened inspections at the Kalain Aung Bridge gate in Yebyu Township since June 3rd. Following the arrival of Mawrawaddy Navy troops, nightly patrols have been conducted within Kalain Aung. Additionally, on the Kalain Aung-Kan Bauk road, there have been increased inspections at three or more locations since June 5th, according to local reports.

These incidents reflect an ongoing concern about the various injustices faced by the people on the ground in Burma. An improved effort must reflect the urgency of the situation for civilians forced to suffer.  


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