Release of Political Prisoners Can Move Forward ‘National Reconciliation’

May 26, 2011

There are about 2100 political prisoners including ethnic leaders imprisoned for long-term imprisonment.  They were put trial not because of their political activities, but the regime accused them because of ‘threatening the national security’, ‘motivating for instability’, ‘illegal printing and false information distribution’, etc.  The former military regime, SPDC and the current military proxy regime, USDP, has constantly denied there is no ‘political prisoners’ in Burma.

If the new regime is really interested in building up ‘national reconciliation’, the Prime Mininster U Thein Sein must consider to release the above-mentioned ‘political prisoners’.  If the USDP is really moving toward for democratization in Burma, they must allow freedom of expression of the people.  Those political prisoners were arrested in the former regime, for their democratic practice in expressing their views and opinions.

All political prisoners, 88 Generation leaders, ethnic leaders, social activists and labor activists can play an important part of ‘national reconciliation’ if the new regime is clever enough to negotiate.  If they are allowed to be able to sit on ‘negotiation table’, there will be no political conflict and street demonstration.

The new government must not see the political prisoners, as their political enemy, but they can negotiate with them for the betterment of the country.

Along with the international community, HURFOM recommends to the regime that it needs to consider for a national reconciliation strategy first, if it really need to improve social and economic development in the country.  These political prisoners can provide many inputs to the new government.



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