Villagers worry as military aircraft spotted around in eastern Maw Ka Nin

May 10, 2023

HURFOM: Since May 6, 2023,  military aircraft have been spotted flying around eastern Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, Mon State. Villagers are worried about possible air assaults.

According to local sources, armed clashes between the Burmese army and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People Defense Forces (PDF) have been intensifying in the areas beside the Highway Road between Thanbyuzayat Town and Maw Ka Nin village.

The Burmese military is also patrolling with military aircraft. 

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi Region

May 8, 2023

HURFOM | May Week One

The first week of May in Southeastern Burma was met with more air and ground attacks by the Burmese military. The targeting of civilians remains ongoing as lives continue to be caught in the crossfire of artillery shelling and indiscriminate firing into local areas. In addition, junta forces increased their operation of thirty-seven checkpoints along the Tanintharyi Highway and have been committing illegal taxation and extortion against travelers and vehicle drivers, according to local sources and those using this 180-mile-long motor highway.

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Armed Administrators threaten villagers with their guns in Mudon

May 3, 2023

HURFOM: Since January 31, 2023  when the military junta passed a law granting some people  the right to bear arms January 31, 2023, many village and ward Administrators in Mudon Township, Mon State obtained guns.

Local villagers reported to HURFOM that those Administrators have threatened them with their guns and aggressively abused them.

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Junta cuts off telecommunications in Three Pagoda Pass

May 2, 2023

HURFOM: On April 21, 2023, the military junta cut off all telecommunications in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP), Kyarinnseikyi Township, in Karen State. TPP is a border trade town located on the Thai-Burma border.

Telecommunication has been cut off for six days. When entering Three Pagoda Pass, we can access telecommunication services provided by Thai operators but telecommunications of Burmese operators is completely cut off,” said a driver who travels from Mawlamyine to Three Pagoda Pass.

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Monthly Overview: New Year ‘Thingyan’ Activities Are Marred by Violence, Military Impunity by the Junta

May 2, 2023

Human Rights Foundation of Monland | April 2023

Every year for decades, the Burmese New Year has been celebrated in April. Once a celebration inviting festivities and tradition is now profoundly darkened by the cruel actions of the junta. Since the attempted coup on 1 February 2021, the people of Burma have rejected the regime’s pursuits to defend the realities on the ground as ‘normal.’ One of the ways the military has tried to show its legitimacy is by propping up holidays such as Thingyan. In response, civilians have boycotted their events and participated in ‘Silent Strikes’ to demonstrate the ongoing rejection of the military.

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