Police member joins anti coup protest in Mawlamyine
February 12, 2021

HURFOM: Since the military seized power on February 1, 2021, tens thousands of people have responded in protest marching in the streets across Burma.
Read moreMilitary makes night arrests of Election Sub Commission officials
February 12, 2021

HURFOM: In the evening of February 10, the military junta arrested the Chairs of the State and Division, District and Township Election Sub Commission. The State Administrative Council, a creation of the military, has also imposed a curfew, restricting the public from being outdoors from 8pm to 4am.
Read moreUnited Nations to hold special session in response to growing concerns with risk to human rights in Myanmar
February 10, 2021

HURFOM: At the joint request of the United Kingston and the European Union along with the support of 45 other States, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations will hold a special session to discuss “the human rights implications of the crisis in Myanmar” on Friday, 12 February.
Read moreMilitary junta violating fundamental human rights since coup
February 10, 2021

HURFOM: Since seizing power on February 1, 2021, the military junta has steadily violated fundamental human rights across Burma.
Read moreMilitary coup denies right to information and spreads false information
February 9, 2021

HURFOM: After the military seized power in Burma on February 1, 2021, the junta blocked the Internet and telecommunication networks cutting the flow of information.
Read moreMUP agrees to join State Administrative Council created by military junta
February 8, 2021

HURFOM: The Mon Unity Party (MUP) has accepted a proposal from the military junta to join a State Administrative Council created by the military.
Read moreEthnic political parties say political problems must be solved by political means
February 7, 2021
HURFOM: Five ethnic political parties, the Kachin People’s Party, , the Kayah State Democratic Party, the Karen National Democratic Party, the Chin National League for Democracy and the Mon Unity Party have come together issuing a joint statement, saying that for sake of a federal democratic union, the country’s current political problems must be solved by the political means.
Read moreMawlamyine University teachers condemn military coup
February 7, 2021

HURFOM: In response to the February 1 military coup, teachers from Mawlamyine University have started a red ribbon campaign, to demonstrate support for civil disobedience in protest to the military coup. The campaign began on February 5 and is spreading across Burma.
Read moreUN Security Council issues statement of concern
February 5, 2021

HURFOM: On February 4rth, the United Nations Security Council issued a statement regarding recent events in Myanmar.
Security Council President, Barbara Woodward from the United Kingdom said,
“The members of the Security Council expressed deep concern at the declaration of the state of emergency imposed in Myanmar by the military on 1 February and the arbitrary detention of members of the Government, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint and others. They called for the immediate release of all those detained.”
Read moreIn response to military coup, Ye Medical Officers start Civil Disobedience Campaign
February 4, 2021

HURFOM: On February 3, 2021, just days after the military coup, Medical Officers from Ye General Hospital, condemned the military for the coup, and started a Civil Disobedience Campaign.
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