25 Years On, But Little Progress

June 29, 2020

(A review on NMSPs ceasefire agreement and political, social and ethnic rights in Mon area, southern Burma/Myanmar)

by Nai Kasauh Mon[1]


The Mon self-determination movement is a long road to the journey’s end. Mon armed resistance is the fundamental revolutionary spirit to the Mon people after the loss of the last Mon capital, Pegu (Hongsawatoi Dynasty) in 1757. New Mon State Party and its armed force, Mon National Liberation Army will be reaching it’s the 25th anniversary of Cease-fire agreement – a search for peace and a unity of a national races in modern Myanmar. After long campaign and movement for liberty, freedom, democratic rights (social, cultural and political rights) in modern era, this essay is a reflection of personal and professional accounts to a Mon person who lives, work and remaining living in the Mon people’s heartland.

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International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

June 26, 2020

Achieve Justice by Combating Impunity

On this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Women’s League of Burma (WLB), Network for Human Rights Documentation – Burma (ND-Burma), Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP), Vimutti Women’s Organization (VWO) and Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) are calling for an end to torture, and for reparation and justice for torture surviors. 

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Mawkanin fire victims need help after homes destroyed

June 25, 2020

HURFOM: On June 22, 2020, 27 houses in Ward #3, of Mawkanin village, Ye Township, Mon State caught fire. 18 houses were burnt to ashes and 9 houses were damaged. A problem with electrical wiring is thought to be the cause of the fire. 

Those who lost their homes have been struggling to rebuild and cope on a daily basis since the fire. 

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2nd round of livelihood supports underway due to Covid-19

June 25, 2020

HURFOM: The President’s Office announced on June 19th, 2020 that for the second time the government will provide food packs to those facing livelihood hardships due to Covid-19.

The Mon State government listed more than 70,000 households that are eligible to receive supports for the second time.

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UEC to provide assistance for voters with disabilities

June 23, 2020

HURFOM: For the upcoming general election to be held in November 2020, there will not be a separate polling station for voters with disabilities in Mon State. Instead, U Hein Lin Htet, Secretary of the Mon State Election Sub-commission announced there will be a different approach.

The chief and the staff of polling stations will facilitate better voting processes for these voters. “We are planning on locating 958 polling stations in Mon State. Not every station has voters with disabilities. There is a separate polling station where the school for the blind is located. However, Mon State doesn’t have (such a school). But the handbook for the Chief of the polling station now includes a directive on how to assist voters who are disabled,” said the Secretary.

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Seven villages under NMSP unable to vote in 2020 election due to security concerns

June 22, 2020

HURFOM: People living in seven villages in the Ye Chaung Phya region, a New Mon State Party controlled area in Ye Township, Mon State will lose their right to vote in the 2020 election.

We’ve been making a huge effort for the people in Ye Chaung Phya to get the right to vote. But we aren’t allowed to collect a voter list. There are challenges,” said an activist who lives in Ye Town.

Activists filed a report to the Ye Township Administrator seeking the ability to  collect names for a voter list in seven villages of Ye Chaung Phya area, but the Kyaung Yaw village Administrator said there are  security concerns in the area. As a result the Ye Administrator has not approved the request.

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Four people drown in lake made by excavation company

June 22, 2020

HURFOM: In early 2018, with the permission from the Mon State government, Golden Geo Myanmar Co., Ltd and Royal Eagle Myanmar Development Co., Ltd began excavations searching for fabled caches of buried gold and other valuables. The treasure was thought to have been left by retreating Japanese troops during World War II at Mount Mane Bala nearby Thanbyuzayat, Mon State.

The companies found nothing and the Mon State government stopped the project. However,  in January 2020, the Royal Eagle company began excavations again.

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Legal aid provider attempts rape in exchange for legal advice

June 22, 2020

HURFOM: On June 7, 2020, a legal aid provider from Kadar Ward, Paung Town, Mon State attempted to rape a woman who came to him to seek legal advice, according to the Ward Administrator.

The woman is facing marital problems and went to the legal aid provider’s home to consult on the problem. According to the victim, the aid provider demanded sex in exchange for legal services. She was also physically assaulted but was able to escape. 

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2020 World Refugee Day Statement by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland

June 20, 2020

Today, on World Refugee Day 2020, the Human Rights Foundations of Monland (HURFOM) commemorates the resilience of refugees from Burma/Myanmar and the many internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to the ongoing conflict in Rakhine, Chin, Kachin, Shan, and Karen states.

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Infectious disease don’t scare empty stomachs

June 19, 2020

HURFOM:If I can go abroad for work, I won’t have many problems. [But for now] I have to tolerate it as there is a travel ban. My eldest son and I will go to Malaysia for work as soon as the travel ban is lifted,” murmured Daw Ohmar to herself.

Daw Ohmar is a quiet spoken mother of two and recently divorced.  She has been struggling to pay off a debt borrowed during her marriage. Her former husband refused to repay the debt and does not provide any support to their two children.

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