Its time for Burma to select an iconic leader

June 2, 2008

Lawi Weng:

Burma is looking for a national hero in the long run. Somebody, who could be their leader. There is an icon, who could provide leadership to the Burmese people—– Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. The new leader should have the approval as well as the support of the people. The relief teams, which are helping the victims of Cyclone Nargis in the Irrawaddy Delta, could also provide a certain amount leadership to the Burmese people. Read more


June 1, 2008


I. A Background on Disability

As of March 2008 the world’s population was estimated to have reached over 6.65 billion1 with between 282 and 608 million of these people classified as disabled, according to World Bank estimates2. Alarmingly people with disabilities make up 15 – 20% of the poor in developing countries (The World Bank)3. There are an estimated 150 million children with disabilities in the world, most of whom live with the reality of exclusion as a result of their surroundings. According to USAID up to 300 million women and girls alone are living with a mental and / or physical disability4, a statistic further confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which claims women with disabilities comprise 10% of all women worldwide. Read more

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