About 3,000 refugees in Thaton District in  urgent need of humanitarian aid

January 9, 2024

HURFOM: Roughly 3,000 residents from Thaton District, Mon State who fled their homes for nearly a month are urgently in need of food, medicine, shelter, blankets and sweaters, according to social workers.

On December 13th, 2023, about 1,600 residents from Upper Win Tar Ban and Win Tar Ban Gyi villages had to flee their homes due to armed clashes at the Win Tar Ban military base.

On December 19th, 2023, the military targeted Kyone Main village, Thaton Township with artillery weapons fire on a daily basis forcing more than 1,200 villagers to flee their home.

Basic food and medicine are in urgent need. As the weather is getting cold, the refugees need blankets and warm clothing. The Karen National Union and some Karen civil society organizations have provided support but it isn’t enough for the size of the refugee population. The number of refugees is increasing day after day,” said one social worker.

The refugees hide themselves in rock caves in the forest and about 500 elderly persons and children are ill with colds and fever.

Military tensions and indiscriminate and persistent artillery attacks by the junta in Bilin and Thaton Townships, as meant the refugees are unable to return to their home.


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