Military junta arrests daughter of a gold shop owner in Kyike Hto

June 20, 2023

On June 15, 2023, the military junta arrested a daughter of U Han Tun, a gold shop owner, in Taung Thu Su Ward, Kyike Hto Town, Mon State.  She has been  accused  of supporting the Karen National Union and the People’s Defense Forces.

About 20 members of the Burmese soldiers and staff from the General Administration Department came to the gold shop and arrested the 29-year-old woman. She has been detained and interrogated at Kyike Hto Police Station, according to the local sources.

The military junta has frequently arrested businesspersons in Kyike Hto.  Locals report that these  arrests are a way to extort money from the wealthy.

Since the coup began on February 1, 2021, more than 100 local people from Kyike Hto Township have been arrested and most were sentenced to imprisonment.


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