Eastern Ye Township villagers worry their homes will become a battlefield
September 15, 2022
HURFOM: The region of eastern Ye is a militarily complex territory where the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the KUN and the local PDF are active.
“The Burmese military comes to our village. The Mon and the Karen army also come here. Then, the PDF are active around here too. If the Burmese army launches a military operation, there will be an armed clash. The villages become battlefields and we have to flee,” said a Kine Taw villager.
Most recently, the local People Defense Force (PDF) has been active in villages in eastern Ye Township of Mon State. The PDF often organizes attacks in Ye Town via Kyone Long and Kine Taw villages of eastern Ye Township.
In response, the Burmese army has become more active.

“Now the Burmese military is active in nearby villages in eastern Ye. If they go a bit further, there will potentially be armed clashes with the PDF or the KNU (Karen National Union). If this happens, all the villages alongside eastern Ye will become a battlefield,” said a villager of Kyone Long.
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