A woman in Kaw Ka Rate seriously injured by landmine

June 20, 2023

On June 13, 2023, a 35-year-old woman from Nan Kaw Toe village, Kaw Ka Rate Township, in Karen state stepped on a landmine and suffered serious injuries to  both legs, according to a local rescue team.

The victim is Daw Chan Mya Aye.  The incident took place  near Sin Gone cemetery while searching for mushrooms.

Her injury is very bad. The doctor said her leg must be amputated. She is in the ICU now,” said an official from the local rescue team.

The victim was admitted to the Kaw Ka Rate General Hospital for further treatment.

On June 10, a 53-year-old Daw Mar Aye from Nan Kaw Toe village was struck by an artillery shell that landed near the  Sin Gone cemetery. 


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