Junta’s artillery attack kills plantation worker and injures five family members

August 22, 2024

HURFOM: On August 15th and 16th, 2024, armed clashes took place between the military junta and the local resistance forces near the new village established by Nai Khway and Daw Yane.  The fighting took place beside the Thanbyuzayat-Three Pagoda Pass Highway Road, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State.

The 315th artillery battalion based in Well Ka Lee launched numerous artillery attacks and one shell hit a hut in the rubber plantation.

The artillery shell dropped into Nai Kyaw Sein’s plantation. Six people were injured by the explosion. The husband (the plantation worker) died on the spot and his wife sustained a serious injury. Their children were also injured. Those with serious injuries were sent to the Mawlamyine General Hospital and those who had minor injuries were sent to the Thanbyuzayat Hospital,” said a nearby plantation owner.

The deceased plantation worker was 50-year-old Nai Aung Myint and his children ranged in age from 2-5 years old.

Since early August, the military junta has reinforced their troop presence and launched military operations along the Thanbyuzayat-Three Pagoda Pass Highway Road. There have been armed clashes with the local resistance forces forcing the nearby local plantation workers and owners to flee their workplaces.

After the battle, the nearby plantation workers/owners dare not go to their plantation. Those who lived on the plantations also ran away,” said a plantation owner.

After every armed clash, the 315th and 317th artillery battalions launched indiscriminate attacks targeting nearby villages resulting in casualties and numerous injuries.

There have been lots of Burmese soldiers in Well Kha Mee. It looks like there’ll be a huge armed clash very soon. If the military tension persists for next two or three days, the plantation workers/owners can’t do their work,” said one plantation owner from Well Kha Mee village, Thanbyuzayat Township.


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