Gang Theft on the rise in Ah Nin village

July 17, 2024

HURFOM: Since June, 2024, the number of cases of theft by a gang of thieves has been on the rise in Ah Nin village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, local people reported HURFOM.

Local people reported to HURFOM that gangs of thieves holding knives have been entering homes to steal lawnmowers, televisions, batteries, bicycles, clothes and other valuables.   Villagers have experienced cases of theft every night.

If we report a case of theft to the police, they detain the thieves but just for a while. Then, they release them. Thieves are working as a gang and they’re holding knives. So, some households dare not report the theft case to the police,” said one villager whose things were recently stolen.

Stolen items are being sold at other villages, forcing the victims to buy them back. 

I lost items which is equivalent to about 2 million MMK. I dare not file a report as I’m afraid of them. Now, everyone has to suffer in silence,” said another victim.

In 2023, the cases of robbery and theft were on the rise in Lamine Town, Ye Township. Local people organized a “self-reliant security guard” system to conduct a regular night patrol.


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