Human Rights and Civic Education Project


  • To educate the Mon communities about concepts of human rights and general knowledge on Civic Education about democracy, peace, federalism, and other political concepts
  • To raise awareness of grassroots Mon people in terms of health, education, environment, community development and etc., whereby encouraging their active participation in developing themselves and their community.

Assessment for Project Implementation:

Since the civilian communities in Mon area has never enjoyed human rights and fundamental freedoms of expression, association and assembly, the Mon people have accepted the lack of information and general knowledge concerning to the concepts of human rights, peace, democracy, federal and constitution, environment and community development. Public participation in the decision-making process is not recognized and so the Mon people could not understand well what their actual rights are accordingly to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN and other international conventions. Thus, it is a necessary to educate the young Mon generation and community leaders to know their actual rights according to international principles.

As far as our knowledge, there are, on record, no such language books which concern today’s world affairs or the global struggle for human rights, peace, democracy, nationalism, federalism & self-determination, because of chronic lack of freedom of press and because of the traditional and systematic exercise of the policy of racist military dictatorship.

In order to provide human rights and civic education to the Mon people especially the younger generations in the communities, HURFOM has implemented an activity of producing a ‘Journal’ comprised of articles relating to human rights and other general knowledge. To have deep understanding on the human rights and other concepts, HURFOM has also conducted workshops. Participatory workshop is the most effective way to give general knowledge to the community leaders, leaders of civil society organizations, youth and women and let them discuss their suffering under the rule of military dictatorship and share the political idea.


In order to provide education on human rights concepts and civic education, HURFOM has the following activities in this Project.

  • Production of a Quarterly Mon language educational Journal ‘OUR TIME’
  • Trainers’ Facilitating Skills Training
  • Human Rights and Civic Education Workshop
  • Human Rights Education Booklet