Eight civilians, including one child, die in floods

August 6, 2024

HURFOM: Since the third week of July, 2024, there has been heavy and continuous rain in Mon and Karen State followed by widespread flooding. Eight residents including a child died by drowning in the flood, according to rescue organizations.

As of July 20, three local men from Mon State and a child and four local men from Karen State died of drowning in the flooding.

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Weekly Overview: Human Rights Situation in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi Region

August 5, 2024

Flooding in Southeastern Burma Adds to Daily Challenges for Locals

HURFOM: Now, more than halfway through the year, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) continues to report worrying increases in the widespread crimes being perpetrated against innocent civilians by the junta. By the end of July, HURFOM’s June monthly overview numbers had doubled. The reported figures are as follows: 107 people were arbitrarily arrested, 52 were injured, 110 were mistreated, and nearly 60 were killed. In addition, 75,000 people were forced to leave their homes due to violence by the junta as they intensified their offensives in local areas, with 120 homes damaged in July alone.

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After being armed by junta, local militia group extorts money from villagers

August 2, 2024

HURFOM: On July 24th, 2024, the Mawlamyine based Southeast Military Command armed a local militia group led by Nine Lin Oo. The group is based in R Yu Taung village, Ye Township, and claimed it needed weapons and ammunition to maintain security in the area.

The R Yu Taung militia group has been active in R Yu Taung, Hnin Zone, Kwan Du, Sone Nat Thar, Hman Sein and Set Twelve villages. 

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Aid to flood victims prevented due to presence of military regiment

August 2, 2024

HURFOM: Flooding has occurred in the community of Kaw Bane and nearby villages, in Kaw Ka Rate Township, Karen State.  Emergency and aid groups cannot reach the area due to the presence of the military regiments.

All houses in Bell Zu Ward, Kaw Bane village are flooded. But the military regiment stationed themselves in the area so no aid group dares come to provide support. There are no individual donors or aid organizations in the area,” said a Kaw Bane resident.

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Local man injured by junta’s artillery attack in Ye

August 1, 2024

HURFOM: On July 29th, 2024, there was a battle between the military junta and the joint resistance forces near Lane Maw Chan village, Ye Township, Mon State.  A 49-year-old man from the village was injured by the junta’s artillery attack.

More than 300 junta troops have attempted to regain control of the Ye – Dawei Highway Road.  They clashed with the local resistance forces. The 317th artillery regiment based in Maw Ka Nin launched the artillery attack that injured the local man.

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Long Lone PDF extorts money from local vehicle owners

August 1, 2024

HURFOM: According to local sources, since the fourth week of July, 2024, the Long Lone People’s Defense Force has been extorting money from local vehicle owners from a village in Long Lone Township, Dawei District, Tenasserim Division.

On June 3rd, the Long Lone PDF held two meetings with villagers demanding 100,000 MMK to 500,000 MMK from local vehicle owners depending on the type of vehicles they own.

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July 2024: Monthly Overview of the Human Rights Situation

August 1, 2024

Attacks on Information Threaten Civilian Right to Safety, Security, and Protection in Southeastern Burma

The military junta is fueling a war on all fronts. Attacks against civilians include the suppression of information flows and the right to access life-saving channels of knowledge through social media and other media platforms on the Internet. Their attempted censorship is because the junta knows the injustices they are committing and fears the circulation of their widespread crimes against innocent people.

For many years, Burma’s human rights issues were largely hidden from the world. Taking advantage of limited internet access, the regime committed numerous violations in continuous defiance of the law. The younger generation has rejected military rule and is actively fighting for their rights through protests and other methods. The Burma Army relies on weapons, not ethics.

Burma was placed 176th out of 180 countries for press freedom in 2023 by Reporters Without Borders. This alarming rank reflects the junta’s severe actions against the media, targeting even citizen journalists who now encounter increased violence. Numerous journalists are still held captive, with fatalities while exposing the junta’s crimes.

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Outbreak of diarrhea and insufficient medicine in Pu Law IDP camps

July 31, 2024

HURFOM: Since July, 2024, there has been an outbreak of diarrhea in three internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Pu Law Township, Tenasserim Division.  Patients are urgently in need of medicine, according to local organizations who help displaced persons.

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KNU arrests two drug abusers and extorts 40 million

July 31, 2024

HURFOM: On July 18th, 2024, the Karen National Union arrested two young drug abusers from 60 Mile village, Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division. According to local sources, the KNU extorted 40 million MMK from them.

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Military Junta Burns Homes and Forces Entire Village to Flee in Dawei Township

July 30, 2024

HURFOM: At approximately 3 pm on July 27, 2024, the 405th Light Infantry Battalion set fire to three houses in Maung Mell Shaung village, Dawei Township, Tenasserim Division, compelling the entire village to flee.

The regiment arrived in Maung Mell Shaung on July 24 and occupied residential houses.

“We all fled our homes as soon as the regiment arrived. Now they have burned down three houses and looted valuables from the houses they occupied,” said a Maung Mell Shaung resident.

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