Weekly update on Human Rights situation in Karen, Mon States & Tanintharyi Region since the attempted coup [First week of February 2022]
February 7, 2022
HURFOM: A weekly update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) on the situation on the ground. Summary data includes Mon State, Karen State, and Tanintharyi region.

Karen State
- Junta troops continued patrolling around Hpa-an township and are torturing, looting, and arresting local civilians. Soldiers and police raided a house on Aung Nang-1 Road in Hpa-an, at 9:40 PM on 2 February.
- Airstrikes deployed by the military junta in the early morning of 5 February killed six civilians and injured two.
New Cyber Security Law ready: Security forces using it for extortion
February 5, 2022
HUFOM: Since the coup, the military junta has been eager to use their Cyber Security Law to monitor residents. On January 13, 2022, the junta announced that the law is now ready having been reviewed from October to December, 2021.
The law has 115 sections and Section 90 has defined that anyone who uses a Virtual Private Network (VPN) without the permission from a particular ministry shall be punished with one year to three years imprisonment and/or a fine that is not excess from five million Kyat.
Read moreVillage administrator killed by unknown assailant: Soldiers respond with gunfire, frightening villagers
February 4, 2022

HURFOM:On February 2, 2022, the Junta-appointed Administrator of Ah Sin village, Ye Township, Mon State was killed at approximately 10:30 am.
Soldiers in the vicinity believed the killers were nearby and responded with random gunfire, frightening Du Yar villagers.
The soldiers patrolled the areas for the whole night, according to the local villagers. Checks of pedestrians, motorbikes and cars have been on-going.
Read moreOne year later: Crime activity rises, community trust with police and security forces declines
February 2, 2022
HURFOM: It has been one year since the military coup took place. In the time period there has been marked increase in criminal activity. Community members say the authorities show no interest in responding to criminal cases, unless they can profit from it.
Victims of crime are reporting cases to their Village General Administration Departments (GAD) and the police but the military junta does not appear to care or take action in support of the victims .
February 2, 2022
HURFOM: One year has now passed since the Burma Army’s attempted coup on 1 February 2021. The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) began documenting atrocities being perpetrated against civilians by the military junta in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region on 7 February 2021. The crimes that have been committed speak to the unrelenting horrors which continue to be forced upon innocent clusters of the population. The majority of the people in Burma strongly reject the military coup and have been collectively strengthened by a commitment to toppling the terrorist regime.
Read moreNew armed group tortures and extorts money from villagers
February 1, 2022
HURFOM: According to the local sources, a new armed group has emerged in Southern Ye Township, Mon State.
A local source confirmed to HURFOM, that the group is known only as MMA have tortured and extorted money from villagers.
“They said their group’s name was MMA and they have about 15 or 16 members. They are fully equipped with weapons. They’re active in the area but have not been here for very long, but already extorted thousand of kyat from the villagers and they have also tortured some villagers. But we’ve never heard that they fought with the Burmese army. What they do is just extortion,” said a resident from Han Gam village, Ye Township.
Read moreStatement: HURFOM Reflects On One Year Since the Attempted Coup
February 1, 2022
HURFOM: It has been 365 days since the Burmese junta unlawfully and unconstitutionally attempted to seize power through a failed coup. One year ago, the Burma Generals made it clear that their desire to rule with violence and authoritarianism was more important than preserving civilian safety and upholding rule of law. The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) has witnessed extreme violence being waged against innocent people across the country, including in our target areas of Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region. In marking this solemn anniversary, HURFOM condemns the ongoing brutality and emphasizes our calls for justice and accountability in Burma.
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