February 2, 2022
HURFOM: One year has now passed since the Burma Army’s attempted coup on 1 February 2021. The Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) began documenting atrocities being perpetrated against civilians by the military junta in Mon State, Karen State and Tanintharyi region on 7 February 2021. The crimes that have been committed speak to the unrelenting horrors which continue to be forced upon innocent clusters of the population. The majority of the people in Burma strongly reject the military coup and have been collectively strengthened by a commitment to toppling the terrorist regime.
More than anything, the Burma Army craves legitimacy and has used violence as a tool to try and submit the people to their will. However, despite the grave horrors projected onto civilians, the Spring Revolution remains unbroken. It is a struggle that civilians feel they cannot step away from until their freedom and rights are restored. One year ago, the Burmese military made clear its disregard for democracy and peace. They reaffirmed the reality that they would not follow the rules of international, democratic governance but would rather try to rewrite their own playbook which went even beyond the 2008 military drafted Constitution. By dismissing key pillars of a functioning, free and fair government in their refusal to accept the victory of the National League for Democracy (NLD), the people very quickly resisted – and have continued to show their strength through protests, underground organizing and even taking up arms to join local civilian defense forces.
Despite the mass momentum which has fueled the revolution, the Burma Army has only wielded more violence including air and ground strikes to force civilians to submit and for armed groups, including ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) to surrender. However, the people remain vigilant and committed to ensuring that they are victorious in their long-deserved quests for peace and security.

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