Girl raped by father is 6-months pregnant

February 17, 2020

HURFOM: A 39-year-old male from Kyar Inn village, Mawlamyine Township, Mon State has been charged with repeatedly raping his 13 year old daughter.  The child is reportedly pregnant. The charges were filed with the Mu Pon Police on February 11 by an elder brother.

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3 seventh grade students in Thanbyuzayat raped by astrologer

February 17, 2020

HURFOM: According to the Mon State Police Force, 3 school girls (ages 12 to 13)  in Thanbyuzayat were raped by a 28-year old male living near Young Daung village, Mudon Township, Mon state.

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Celebrating the 73rd Mon National Day: Unity and Inclusion

February 9, 2020

Today, the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) is celebrating the 73rd Mon National Day, together with Mon communities throughout Burma/Myanmar and many parts of the world. We believe it is through unity that Mon communities can continue to heal and grow, and this year is particularly special for Mon communities who will head to the polls in the 2020 Elections with the recently formed Mon Unity Party (MUP) which merged the two largest Mon political parties.

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Locals demand rural health center for their village

February 6, 2020

HURFOM: Hinthar villagers in Ye Chaung Pyar, Ye Township, Mon State, are making demands for a health clinic in their community.  Currently, there is difficulty accessing health care services for women giving birth, for children to get vaccines and residents are concerned they do not have access to enough medicines.

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Land grab victims calls on NMSP to help resolve military confiscation of their lands

February 4, 2020

HURFOM: During the decades of military rule in Myanmar, rubber plantations in Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State were confiscated and deemed to be “military-owned lands.” The New Mon State Party (NMSP) believes it is time to address this form of land grabbing.  The NMSP is calling for the military to withdraw from these lands and return the properties to the original owners.

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Low participation rates of women and youth in Mon Unity Party (MUP)

January 28, 2020

HURFOM: Despite a policy decision of the Mon Unity Party (MUP) to pursue increased participation of  youth and women as election candidates in the 2020 election, according to Nai San Tin, Joint Secretary (2) of the MUP, this has been difficult to achieve.

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Communities in Ye Township complain police fail to take adequate action in response to increased drug usage

January 27, 2020

HURFOM: The Mon State Hluttaw General Issues Review committee heard complaints from communities in Ye Township, that the police failed to take action in the face of increased drug usage.   The complaint was registered during a Drug Issues Reduction conference held on January 23rd of this year.

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Myanmar Teachers’ Federation argue extending class time is unlawful

January 27, 2020

HURFOM: The Myanmar Teachers’ Federation (MTF) has noted the government’s plan to extend class time for primary basic education school to the end of March in 2020 is not consistent  with the law.

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Confiscated farm lands sold, and original owners protest against corruption

January 23, 2020

HURFOM: In 1997-98 the State Peace and Development Council of Pha An Township confiscate 90.85 acres of land from 20 farmers in Zar Tha Pyin village, Pha An Township, Karen State. The plan was to use the land as part of village extension development project.  

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Ethnic parties say Electoral law Article #10, granting temporary migrants local voting rights must be abolished for free and fair elections

January 17, 2020

HURFOM: Five non-Burmese ethnic political parties are calling for the abolition  of Article #10 of the Electoral law in order to get free and fair elections in 2020.  The five ethnic political parties include the Kachin State People’s Party, Kayah State Democratic Party, the Karen National Democratic Party, Chin National Democratic Party and the Mon Unity Party.

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