‘General Aung San Bridge’ protesters vow to fight till the end

April 25, 2017

HURFOM: On April 23rd 2017, the central committee of protesters against renaming the Than Lwin (Chaungzone) Bridge held an event in the Mon Community Hall in Thanbyuzayat, Mon State to collect signatures from supporters for a petition opposed to the controversial decision to rename the bridge after General Aung San in Chaungzone Township, Mon State. Read more

Number of Kratom-Leaf users rises again in Kalogtaw

April 10, 2017

HURFOM: The number of young people using kratom in Kalogtaw village, Mudon Township, Mon State, has increased as anti-drug campaigns by both the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Burmese government lose momentum, say locals.

Kratom is grown mostly in southern Thailand and increasingly in Mon State. Locally it is known as ‘opium leaf’ for its opiate like properties when ingested. Read more

Number of Kratom-Leaf users rises again in Kalogtaw

April 10, 2017

The number of young people using kratom in Kalogtaw village, Mudon Township, Mon State, has increased as anti-drug campaigns by both the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Burmese government lose momentum, say locals. Read more

Family unhappy with police inaction over an attack that left a 13-year-old boy hospitalized

April 7, 2017

On January 28th2017, a 13-year-old boy from KyikeYae village, Mudon Township, Mon State, was beaten by an unknown group from Taw Kuu village and hospitalized with serious injuries. Read more

Locals in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township upset with armed group’s new tax

April 6, 2017

Locals in Kyar Inn Seik Kyi Township, Karen State, have expressed displeasure with the Karen National Union’s (KNU) recent imposition of a tax on local businesses without notifying and negotiating with the New Mon State Party (NMSP) first in the mixed-controlled areas of the township. Read more

More than half of eligible voters did not cast votes in Chaungzone Township by-election

April 6, 2017

HURFOM: According to the All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMDP) only 38.4% of eligible voters participated in the April 1 by-election in Chaungzone Township, Mon State. Only 48,532 of Chaungzone Township’s 126,225 eligible voters cast their vote. Read more

Protestors to send appeal letter to Myanmar National Human Rights Commission over bridge name in Mon State

March 30, 2017

The central organizing committee of protesters opposed to the controversial decision to name a bridge after General Aung San in Mon State held a press conference in Dar Tu Marla Monastery, Mawlamyine on March 29.

The committee announced they would send an appeal letter to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission among other government departments. Read more

WCRP releases “Cracks in the Silence: Sexual violence against children and challenges to accessing justice in Mon State and Mon areas of southeast Burma”

March 23, 2017

Today HURFOM’s Women and Child Rights Project (WCRP) releases their latest report, “Cracks in the Silence: Sexual violence against children and challenges to accessing justice in Mon State and Mon areas of southeast Burma.”Report in English | Burmese Read more

30,000 people protest Union Parliament’s approval of controversial bridge name

March 21, 2017

On March 19, thousands of residents from across southeast Burma gathered in Mawlamyine to continue protesting against the controversial decision to name a bridge after General Aung San in Mon State.

Protestors included Mon civilians and monks, as well as other ethnic groups who came out to show their support, including Karen and Pa-O participants. Read more

Mon Youth Forum throws support behind local Chaungzone candidate in upcoming by-election

March 20, 2017

HURFOM: On March 11, the Mon Youth Forum (MYF) announced they will be supporting the All Mon Democratic Party (AMDP) candidate Nai Win Tun from Chaungzone Township in the upcoming by-election scheduled for early April. Read more

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