Scarce water resources and aid/charity groups are unable to respond in Mon State

May 12, 2023

HURFOM: Water resources are scarce in Mon State and there are no aid or charity groups able to provide water to residents in need.

Mawlamyine, Bilin, Paung, Mudon, Thanbyuzayat and Kyaikmayaw Townships all are experiencing water shortages, and residents  have to buy water for their daily use.

We have to buy water from “water tank tricycle” or “water car”. If you hire a tricycle and bring water by yourself, you have to pay 700 Kyat per tank. If you hire a worker, you have to pay 1,200 Kyat per tank. We have to solve water problems this way. There were water donation groups before but now no group has provided water,” said a villager from Kyaikmayaw Township.

During the previous government, the General Administration Department, the local fire department, the police forces, the municipal department and other charity or social groups cooperated to deliver water to wards and villages,  but no group is willing to do so under the military regime.

Our township is  always having water shortages every year at this time. During the previous government, many groups came to provide water, but now we’ve found no group, said a resident from Thanbyuzayat Township.

Charity or rescue groups need gasoline to provide water and if there is no gasoline donor, these groups are unable to provide water.

Previously, the price of gasoline was cheap so there were many donors. But now the price of gasoline is expensive so we can not donate water like we had done in previous years. We’ve had many challenges, said a young social worker from Kyaikmayaw.


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