Army Punished Civilian for Bullets Costs

March 10, 2007


Eight civilians were forced to pay 280,000 kyat for the replacement of bullets after Burmese soldiers from IB No. 31 shot skyward to scare children from Kabya Wa village, Ye Township, Mon State.

Earlier that day Burmese migrants reported seeing Mon rebels swimming in the river close to the gardens, they informed the Burmese soldier Major Kyaw Zay Ya.

When Burmese soldiers investigated the claim, the army found children swimming in the river. One then fired his gun which scared the children.

The soldiers then demanded money from the gardeners who lived close to the river. Each gardener paid 35,000 kyat to the soldiers.

?Indeed, they wouldn?t fire the gun only when they saw the children. But it gives them good reason to demand money from the gardeners,? said a Mon human rights worker.


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