November 8 election should be postponed says 24 political parties
September 27, 2020
HURFOM: Due to high rates of local transmission of COVID-19, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) along with 24 other political parties sent an open letter to the UEC on September 15 demanding the Commission reconsider the date of the election.
Transmission of COVID-19 has been increasing across Burma. There has been a steady and daily increase in the number of COVID-19 patients in Mon State. The current state of the pandemic in the country provides reason for the November 8th election to be postponed, says Nai San Tin, the Joint Secretary of the Mon Unity Party (MUP).

“According to the COVID-19 situation, the 2020 election should be postponed. Hundreds of new patients have been detected daily. We can’t imagine what happens next. The increase of patients makes it difficult to hold elections. But the Union Election Commission (UEC) hasn’t listened to the political parties. Even their good suggestions were neglected. It shouldn’t be like that. For the sake of the country, I think the election should be postponed,” said the Secretary.
The local transmission of COVID-19 is having a huge impact on the election campaign.
“The number of patients has increased by hundreds day after day. Now, it’s the time to do an election campaign and we are doing it with fear. We have to go from village to village and are worried villagers will not welcome us,” said Nai San Tin.
In addition with high transmission rates, people in Rangoon Division, 5 townships in Arakan State and 11 townships in other States and Divisions were ordered to stay at home by the Ministry of Health and Sport on September 25, 2020.
“It is very difficult to do an election campaign [in this context]. We can’t stop the election campaign so we must be cautious when doing our work. It’s very challenging. If we stop the election campaign, we’ll lose our vote. If we decide to do a campaign, we must take care about the disease. We’re in a tough situation,” said Nai Tala Nyi, a spokesperson with the MUP.
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