LIB no. 273, forced resident to serve portering into their operation

September 10, 2009

HURFOM, Yebyu: On August 13th, the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) no. 273 led by Captain Thein Sein, forced two villagers into service as porters for the column Kyauktalin to Natkyizin. The two Kyauktalin villagers were forced to carry bullets, food supplies, a cooking port, an a communication machine for two days.    

Ko Kyi Lwin, a 29 years old Kyauktalin villager, carried about 30 viss* of weight to Natkyizin, which is 10 miles far from Kyauktalin village, northern Yebyu township. “The soldiers didn’t give us food, and mostly they travel at night time without any light. I tried to use my flashlight but they didn’t allow me to use that. It’s not easy for me to walk in nighttime without a light on. I also had to carry a lot of weight, and my shoulder got sore. It wasn’t easy for me to follow them because they walk very fast.”

He added “The soldiers didn’t feed us any food while they forced us to serve as their portering service. So we got very hungry. We had to eat the green banana plants in the jungle. They [the troops] were not patient. The trip would be about 10 miles, but over rough terrain.”

According to Ko Kyi Lwin, a second villager named Ko Ba, 30 years old, was also forced into portering for the LIB 273. According to the Ko Kyi Lwin, Ko Ba only needed to carry the communication machine and some soldiers’ bags.

“The soldiers released us when we arrived at Natkyizin village. They didn’t allow us to enter into the village. I think they were worried that the villagers would see that people are being forced into service as porters,” said Ko Kyi Lwin.

The SPDC government recognizes this region as a “black area”, a region that is outside of the direct control of the Burmese government. Mon, Karen, and Tavoy insurgent groups are active in the area. Incidents of residents being forced into porter service are often reported in the ongoing between the SPDC and insurgent groups.

(Editors Note: All names have been changed for security reasons)
* 30 viss = 105 lbs.


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