Six residents arrested within ten days in Ye Township

October 23, 2024

HURFOM: Between October 5th and 15th, 2024, six residents from Ye Township, Mon State were arrested by the military junta after being accused of having contact with the People’s Defense Force.

Maung Pone Chit from Chaung Taung village was arrested on October 5th while Ma Aye Chan and Ma Ngae Nage from Aung Mittar Ward, Ye Town were arrested on October 9th. All were arrested by the junta at their homes.

Additionally, a resident from Ye Town who was returning from buying betel nuts was arrested, and his motorcar and five-million cash were seized.

On October 15th, two young men were stopped by the junta’s security troops after they came back from buying food in Kyaung Yaw village. The junta accused them of having photos of a member of the PDF in their mobile phones and arrested them.

Both are ethnically Karen. They usually buy food at Kyaung Yaw village. They can’t speak Burmese fluently. We don’t know if the junta really found the photos as they accused them of,” said a local source.

The whereabouts of the arrested is unknown since the arrest and their family members have not been allowed to meet them.

On October 8th, 2024, 18-year-old Ma Mon Mon from Ward #6, Chaung Taung village was arrested by the junta after being accused of having contact with the PDF. She was forcefully disappeared after her arrest.

Locals report to HURFOM that military tensions persist in Ye Township, and the junta has tightened the security and are conducting frequent arrests.


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