Displaced villagers from Yebyu return home, but need help to restore their village

August 23, 2024

HURFOM: On June 19th, 2024, a battle between the military junta and the local resistance forces in Dawei.   The junta launched air assaults and then burnt down more than 60 houses in areas under the control of the Dawei District New Mon State Party.

According to the data collected by HURFOM, four residents, including a child, were killed while thousands of villagers had to flee their home during the armed clashes in Yebyu Township in June, 2024.

In addition, 40 houses in Myauk Chaw village and four houses in Nagar Eye village were destroyed.  Then, the junta’s troops burnt down 12 houses in Zar Teak village, Yebyu Township and at least four houses in Maung Mell Shaung village.

This month displaced villagers began to return, but they face many challenges.

They’ve received food support but it isn’t enough. The NMSP said they would provide the support but we don’t know how they will deliver the aid. At the moment, displaced villagers are urgently in need,” said a local social worker who helps displaced villagers.

Due to many challenges, some displaced villagers have not returned home and moved to Thailand for work.

About 100 displaced villagers went to Thailand. None of the displaced villagers are left in the “Ha Log Ha Ne” displaced persons camp,” said an official from the NMSP.


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