A 9-year-old girl raped in Mawlamyine

February 2, 2017

On January 23, 2017, a 9-year-old girl was raped by her aunt’s husband in Zay Yar Myine Ward, Mawlamyine. The offender is 31 years old and a father of two. He raped the girl in the morning as the victim was left home alone when her mother went to the market to sell goods. Read more

MNEC drafts Mon National Education Policy

January 31, 2017

HURFOM: On December 17 and 18, 2016, the Mon National Education Committee (MNEC) organized a public discussion in Lamine City, Ye Township, southern Mon State, regarding education policy. Around 200 participants, including leaders from the New Mon State Party (NMSP), Mon educators, and members from various CBOs and CSOs joined the discussion.  Read more

15-year-old girl raped by her father in Kyaikmayaw Township

January 17, 2017

WCRP: On November 15, 2016, a 15-year-old girl was raped by her 42-year-old father in Ka Line Ka Naing village tract, Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State.

The perpetrator has two daughters and a son. On the night of the incident, his eldest daughter went to Rangoon/Yangon and his wife and son went to Kyaikmayaw Town and stayed there for one night. The perpetrator and his younger daughter were left at home alone. Read more

Attempted rape of a 9-year-old girl in Thanbyuzayat Township

January 17, 2017

WCRP: On November 3, 2016, an 18-year-old man attempted to rape a 9-year-old school girl in A— village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State.

According to the girl’s grandfather who was witness to the event, 18-year-old Mg Seik Chan from A— village attempted to rape her at around 5 am in her home. The girl’s grandfather, [upon hearing the noise], rapidly woke up and saw him with the girl. He thought that a thief had come and was stealing something in their house. When he came to look, the perpetrator was running away. Read more

Yebyu residents worry about potential armed conflict after another NMSP and KNU skirmish

January 16, 2017

Due to another armed clash between the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and the Karen National Union (KNU) near Karone Ba Tie (Thel Phyu Chaung) village, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division, on January 11, 2016, locals have begun to worry that the conflict will continue to grow and they will be affected as a consequence. Read more

Deputy Speaker of the Mon State Parliament unhappy with pro-military protest

January 11, 2017

HURFOM: On January 8, 2017, the Mon State National and Charitable Associations Network organized a pro-military protest in Mawlamyine to publicly show support for the Burma Army who has been waging war in northern Burma. Approximately one thousand participants joined the protest. Read more

Anti-drug activities by police upsets locals in Mudon and Thanbyuzayat Township

January 6, 2017

HURFOM: In Mudon and Thanbyuzayat Townships, Mon State, local police forces have been conducting anti-drug activities, including arresting young men and boys in the village at night whom they allege, without any evidence, are drug dealers and users, which has local people feeling uncomfortable with the police’s actions.
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