Truck owners taxed after administrator borrows significant sums

January 15, 2010

HURFOM, TPP: The chairman of the Land Transportation Association (LTA) in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) town in Three Pagoda Pass township, has collected an additional tax from all vehicle owners to pay to the Karen National Union (KNU) checkpoint in Three Pagoda areas. Read more

TC No. 3 issues movement restrictions in NMSP territory

January 13, 2010

HURFOM, TPP: According to HURFOM’s field reporter, Tactical Command (TC) No. 3 Colonel Kyaw Min Htay has issued orders to the Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) still under his control, LIB Nos. 283 and 284, and to village headmen in the Tree Pagodas’ Pass area. The orders reportedly mandated that village headman begin enforcing movement restrictions in the regions of New Mon State Party (NMPS) territory controlled by the battalions. Read more

Unprecedented use of forced porters by Burmese army in Tenasserim Division

January 6, 2010

HURFOM, Tenasserim: According to reports from local sources, 440 villagers from villages throughout Tenasserim Division were recently forced to carry supplies for soldiers under command of the Military Operation Management Comment (MOMC) No.20. MOMC No.20 is based in Tenasseerim Division, under the command of Brigadier General Thein Kyaw Myint. Read more

Farmers in Mon State are in Trouble

January 4, 2010

Generally, in many countries, when the farmers are facing troubles – problems in crop production, traders’ business monopolies, crop price reductions, etc –  the government intervenes and helps it’s nation’s farmers to overcome these problems.  In many countries, the government is even required to help farmers in various ways. Read more

Election preparations round off a year of abuses against farmers in Mon territory

January 3, 2010


As preparations by the Burmese State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) for the elections slated for 2010 mount, an increasing amount of pressure will be placed on already burdened rural agricultural communities in Mudon, Thanbyuzayat, Ye and Kyaikmayaw Townships. As previously noted in HURFOM’s October and November election reports, these preparations have targeted rural communities with the intention of securing political dominance in advance of the government’s announcement of the 2010 electoral rules. In taking farmers and community members from their time sensitive-cultivation and harvests of rice crops that are critical for community survival and economy, these preparations have place an excessive burden on agricultural populations.Adobe Acrobat PDF Download report as PDF [ 328 KB] Read more

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