More than 7,000 residents from Nyaung Pin Kwin village tract flee homes

February 1, 2024

HURFOM: Due to armed clashes between the military junta and the joint forces of the People Defense Forces, more than 7,000 residents from Nyaun Pin Kwin village tract, in Tenasserim Township, Tenasserim Division had to flee their homes.

On January 15th, 2024, the joint revolutionary forces attacked the 561st Light Infantry Battalion and a military check-point at the Nyaung Pin Kwin Bridge. The armed clash had prolonged up to January 25, 2024 and 7,134 residents from Nyaun Pin Kwin, Kywe Htein Kwin and Htone Taw villages had to flee their homes.

Most of the residents have taken shelter in nearby villages and towns. We had no time to collect anything, so we need food and household items. As the armed clash is prolonged, shelter is essential,” said a displaced person.

Local sources told HURFOM, two residents were killed and three villagers were injured and there has been some damage to homes.

Because of the military tensions, both phone and Internet communications are cut off,” said the resident.

There have been heavy armed clashes in Dawei, Tha Yet Chaung and Pu Law Townships.


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