Junta arrests and kills villagers and torches houses in Tha Yet Chaung

November 3, 2023

HURFOM: On October 17, 2023, a military unit entered Kyauk Kha Mount village, in Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim and destroyed and torched a house and arrested a Kyauk Kha Mount resident and a Ya Ngae resident.

They released the Kyauk Kha Mount villagers but they arrested and beat Ko Nyi Nyi, a 28-year-old Ya Ngae resident, and took him with them. Everyone had to run away when they entered the village,” said a Kyauk Kha Mount resident.

The military junta killed Ko Nyi Nyi and buried his body at a beach near Kywe Min Gone village.

On October 25 the military unit burnt down two houses.

They destroyed and burnt down abandoned houses in Kywe Min Gone. Then, they stationed themselves at the school,” said a local source.

Many residents from Kywe Min Gone, Kyauk Kha Mount, Ya Ngae and Ka Net Thi villages fled their homes due to the military operation.


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