Stealing electrical wire, now a frequent crime in Ye

September 1, 2023

HURFOM: HURFOM has reported that incidents of theft have been on the rise since the declaration of martial law and the imposition of curfew in Ye Township, Mon State.

Now, local people are reporting that electrical cable is being stolen from schools, monasteries, churches, social buildings, and houses.

We hear about cases of theft nearly every day. Now, every ward is reporting that electrical cable wire is being regularly stolen,” said a resident from Northern Ye Township.

The loss to a homeowner ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 MMK and when electrical cables are stolen from a school or religious building, the cost for replacement of the wire will be up to a million MMK.

The electrical cable wire was stolen from about six houses on our street. We had to use candle light. We had decided to fix it at a cost of about 350,000 MMK. We’re really sorry as we had to spend our money in an unnecessary case during this tough period,” said one victim.

The wire is being stolen for the value of the copper.

Lamine residents said they found the protective plastic skin casing of stolen wire near a  rubber plantation.

“The thieves remove the skin of the cable and sell the copper wire inside. It has a good price. That’s why they steal the cable wire,” said a Lamine resident.


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