Junta arrest and charge woman with life-imprisonment in Kyike Hto
August 18, 2023
HURFOM: On August 15, 2023, the military junta arrested a 52-year-old woman near Shan Market, Gant Kaw Ward, Kyike Hto Town, Mon State.
Initially the junta accused her of selling illegal lottery tickets and arrested her but later, they claimed she financially supported the People’s Defense Forces and charged her under the Anti-Terrorism Act. The punishment can be life-term imprisonment.
“Everyone knows Ma Cho is selling illegal lottery tickets. I think she didn’t bribe the police so they arrested her. Now, it’s normal in Kyike Hto for the junta to recklessly arrest civilians and charge them at the police station as a way to extort money from them,” said a Kyike Hto resident.
In early Aungst, the junta arrested Ko San Tun Oo from Ward #3, Thane Za Yet Town, Kyike Hto Township after being accused of being a PDF member and also laid charges citing the Anti-Terrorism Act.