Kaw Bane villagers flee as junta tries to arrest “CDM activists”
January 25, 2023
HURFOM: After the Karen National Liberation Army and the People’s Defense Force jointly attacked the police station in Kaw Bane village, Kaw Ka Rate Township, in Karen State on January 16, 2023, the Burmese military responded.
The military occupied the nearby areas and tried to arrest individuals thought to be involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).

Villagers became frightened and fled their homes.
“After the police station was attacked, the Burmese army entered the village and established their base at the police station. Then, they began to arrest villagers. People became frightened and fled from the village,” said a Kaw Bane villager.
Kaw Bane and its surrounding areas are under the control of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) but the NMSP has been unable to protect the villagers.
“There is the NMSP but they can’t provide safety/security for the villagers. The NMSP can’t stop Karen or Burmese military forces from entering the village. The villagers are helpless, so they have to flee,”said a young Mon activist.
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