Junta’s artillery attack kills monk and injures two in Kyike Hto
March 25, 2025
HURFOM: On March 21st, 2025, the military junta launched an artillery attack from the house of Pyu Saw Htee (military supporter) Aung Gyi in Lat Pan village, Wall Township, Pegu Division. The artillery shell exploded in the dining hall of the “Myauk Kyaung” monastery in Kha Ywelve village, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State.
The explosion killed 51-year-old Monk Lin Zaw on the spot and two other monks were injured by artillery debris.

“Even if there is no armed clash, the junta and the members of Pyu Saw Htee intentionally target downtown Kyike Hto and nearby villages with artillery attacks. Now, we have to move displaced villagers because we’re afraid of further artillery attacks,” said a villager who wants to remain anonymous.
The two injured monks were admitted to the Kyike Htow Town General Hospital and their injuries were deemed minor.
Since early 2025, the junta’s artillery attacks have killed six residents and injured more than ten villagers.