Rubber plantation worker sustains injury in armed clash in Maw Ka Nin

December 19, 2024

HURFOM: In the morning of December 17th, 2024, joint resistance forces launched an attack on the military base at “Pha Yar Gone” nearby Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, Mon State and an intense armed clash followed.

The 317th artillery regiment based in Maw Ka Nin Kone Paw Yaw Thit village launched artillery attacks during the armed clash, and some artillery shells exploded at a nearby rubber plantation. The explosion injured 63-year-old U Maung Maung.

When the clash broke out, a Maw Ka Nin villager was tapping rubber trees at his plantation. He suffered an injury to his face. But it’s just a minor injury and no need to go to hospital,” said a resident from Maw Ka Nin Kone Paw Yaw Thit village.

Soon after the armed clash, the military junta tightened security in Maw Ka Nin and nearby villages. Military aircraft are also patrolling over the villages. The intense situation has frightened villagers.

There was heavy traffic on Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road as people fled, and many vehicles got stuck in the traffic.

We went to Mawlamyine this morning but we had to make a U-turn as there was an armed clash on the way. Some brave travelers waited for the end of the clash and went on to their destination but our driver did not dare wait, so we had to come back,” said one traveler.

The New Mon State Party (AD – Anti Military Dictatorship) and other armed resistance groups are active along the Ye – Thanbyuzayat Highway Road.  There have been frequent armed clashes along this roadway.


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