Junta’s indiscriminate artillery attacks threaten lives of farmers and plantation workers

September 23, 2024

HURFOM: Since early September 2024, the light infantry battalions and the artillery battalions based in Ye Township, Mon State have been launching indiscriminate artillery attacks on nearby fruit plantations, rubber plantations, and farmland without having any armed clash in the area.

The indiscriminate artillery explosion in their workplaces has created fear among local farmers and plantation workers and forced them to abandon their plantation and farmland for years.

At the moment, the 106th light infantry is launching artillery attack every day. We don’t let our father go to the plantation as the artillery shells dropped nearby our plantation frequently. There has been artillery attacks every day so no one dare to go to the plantation. The plantations nearby “Kyoe Da Dar” (suspension bridge) have been abandoned for years. There has been landmine planted in the area so no one dare to go to,” said a Maw Ka Nin resident.

The battle between the military junta and the joint resistance forces has frequently broken out nearby the 106th light infantry battalion and in response, the 317th and 588th artillery regiments have launched indiscriminate artillery attacks.

According to a Maw Ka Nin villager, at about 10:30 am on September 20th, 2024, the 317th artillery regiment launched an indiscriminate artillery attack without having any armed clash and killed a local villager.

The artillery attack of the 317th regiment killed a villager. We don’t know the identity of the victim. The military didn’t allow the rescue team to pick up the dead body. The administrator visited them but they didn’t allow to touch the dead body. The dead body is just nearby their military base,” said a local villager who wants to remain anonymous.

During these days, the 106th light infantry battalion and the 317th artillery regiment have been launching at least three to five indiscriminate artillery attacks nearly every day and causing civilians’ causalities and damages to residential houses.


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