Artillery explosion injures two young residents in Thanbyuzayat

September 20, 2024

HURFOM: At noon on September 15th, 2024, an artillery explosion occurred on the village road between Kyaung Yaw and Well Kha Mi village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State.  The explosion injured 19-year-old Nai Ngae Htoo Htoo Lin and Ma Zin Mar Htwe, both are from Well Kha Mi village.

A group of friends were on the way back from visiting a local waterfall when they encountered the artillery explosion.

Nai Ngae Htoo Htoo Lin sustained injuries to his right leg and left arm while Ma Zin Mar Htwe suffered an injury to her left arm.

Both were admitted to the Thanbyuzayat Hospital with the assistance of a local rescue team and then, transferred to the Mawlamyine General Hospital.

The artillery attack was indiscriminate, no armed clashes had occurred near Well Kha Mi village and no one knows who is responsible for the attack.

On September 12th, 2024, there was an artillery explosion in a rubber plantation nearby (outside) Sa Kha Gyi village, Thanbyuzayat Township and the explosion severely injured a local man.


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