More than 50,000 residents forced to flee homes in Tenasserim Division

June 18, 2024

HURFOM: In May, 2024, more than 50,000 residents of Dawei and Myeik Districts, Tenasserim Division had to flee their homes due to armed conflicts, artillery attacks and air assaults.

31,800 residents from Dawei, Long Lone, Yebyu and Tha Yet Chaung Townships of Dawei District and 24,500 residents from Pu Law, Myeik, Kyune Su and Tenasserim Townships of Myeik District have been forcefully displaced.

“The number of displaced villagers varies depending on the military operation and nature of armed conflict. Most displaced persons return when their villages become more stable. The number of displaced persons isn’t a constant,” said a social worker who helps displaced persons.

After the military bases in Tha Yet Chaung and Boat Pyin Townships were attacked and overtaken by the resistance forces, the military junta targeted the townships with heavy artillery and air assaults. There has been a prolonged armed clash in Pu Law and Tenasserim Division.

Displaced villagers from Kyauk Ne Maw and displaced persons from Long Lone whose houses were burnt down are still in the camp since April,” said the social worker.

At the moment, the military junta has banned transportation of rice, food and medicine into Dawei’s East Forest region, and the Taung Pyouk village tract of Tha Ye Chaung Township, Tenasserim as well as into Pu Law Townships.


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